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How to enroll Uditer Partner Affiliate Program

How to enroll Uditer Partner Affiliate Program

Join the Uditer affiliate program

Earn commission % on each order that your customers purchased. Simply Click Here

Essentially, it’s revenue sharing. You introduce Uditer to customers that you think might be interested in the platform. And once they make their first order you get a slice of the revenue. Sounds fair, right?

You only need to do 4 simple steps:
Register an affiliate account.

Get your unique affiliate URL

Promote Uditer electric skateboards via your unique URL.

Collect your earnings from every sale your customers make on Uditer 

Benefits of becoming a Uditer Affiliate

There is no cap! Refer as much as you want as there is no ceiling on how much you can earn.

ZERO upfront cost! No investment needed.

Simple registration, takes 5 min to get set up.

Earn a solid 4% on every order your customers make.

We automatically try to bring back all users that did not convert right away.

Get paid monthly to your Paypal account.

4 comments on How to enroll Uditer Partner Affiliate Program
  • Steven Ede
    Steven Ede

    Hello Trusted Friend
    I was hoping you could help me with a good URL NAME to use when I sign up

    November 01, 2021
  • Steven Ede
    Steven Ede

    Hello Trusted Friend
    I was hoping you could help me with a good URL NAME to use when I sign up

    November 01, 2021
  • Steven Ede
    Steven Ede

    Hello Trusted Friend
    I was hoping you could help me with a good URL NAME to use when I sign up

    November 01, 2021
  • Steven Ede
    Steven Ede

    Hello Trusted Friend
    I was hoping you could help me with a good URL NAME to use when I sign up

    November 01, 2021
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